Passive reporting verbs

We use reporting verbs in the passive voice when the speaker is unknown or not important. Also, when someone does not want to be named. These verbs are: believed, claimed, considered, estimated, expected, known, reported, said, suggested, thought, and understood.

Passive reporting verbs in the present

IT +IS + REPORTING VERB (past participle) + that +sentence

It is believed that the thieves are still in a building.
(Present Event)

It is known that he fled the country.
(Past Event)

It is estimated that the taxes will affect the economy.
(Future Event)

Passive reporting verbs in the past tense

IT + WAS + REPORTING VERB (past participle) + that + sentence.

It was reported that the fire was over.
(at the same time in the past)

It was known that the police had given an statement.
(before the report)

It was expected that the president would quit.
(of a future event)

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Telma Leon

Soy Telma, mamá a tiempo completo, pero consultora educativa a medio tiempo, busco ayudar a estudiantes de escuela con sus tareas diarias y también a crear contenido educativo y recursos útiles para otras mamas que necesitan ayuda con sus hijos en el ámbito educativo

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